Birch to Yew

16 journeys of the soul

by Heinz Frommann

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/09/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9781982289010

About the Book

Welcome to a world full of mystery, surprises, magic, and adventure. It is a world described through the eyes of sixteen trees as seen by our ancestors. Each story is a reflection and interpretation of our world and the world of ideas. Some conventions had take a back seat every now and then though. In the beginning there is Freya, the birch, describing the very act of being born, followed by powerful first experiences. We then go to Brigitte, the red haired girl who learned how to stand up to the class bully (with help from the rowan). Sixteen, a perfect number, multiplied by five roughly equals an average human lifespan. Each story therefore tries to reflect the mental age and abilities of the main character(s). When we reach the yew at the end the 'players' merge into one and everything begins to make sense. We now realize that the goal of any journey is not some kind of 'ending' but in fact the actual journey itself is the goal! The yew (named Ioho) is keen to reveal mysteries almost impossible to confine with language. A new kind of understanding is trying to give birth to itself in a world of constant change and fluctuation. If trees could talk, what a tale they could tell!

About the Author

My life has been nothing less than a search for meaning during very challenging times. Now, in my late seventies’ I’m reaching a conclusion (of sorts): every action, every experience, contains all the ‘meaning’ necessary, for what else but the moment do we have? After graduating from college with a BA in Philosophy all I had really achieved was the acquisition of a big ego. My real education (of what was really important) had only just begun and would continue to the end of my days. Born in a rural setting in N. Germany shortly after WW2 I developed a deep love and respect for nature, especially trees. An early childhood ambition was to become a forester. My family, alas, decided to emigrate to the USA in 1957 so the focus changed. After a good dose of travelling I found myself in the UK (1975) and have remained here ever since. Major life events Three marriages and twice widower - Adopted and moved to the US in 1957 - Taught the following subjects in England and Wales: Modern Languages, Biblical Hebrew, Music Theory, Art (produced two educational resources on drawing techniques, Bristol 2000), Linguistics (French, Spanish, and English as a second language). Note: the ‘sixteen stories’ reveal much more of the ‘inner me’ than the above facts and fi gures... Image for “about the author”